Providing ESG insights to the property industry

Providing ESG insights to the property industry

Providing ESG insights to the property industry

Design of a dashboard and analytics tool to enable build-to-rent and social housing property companies to efficiently report on and manage their environmental impact


Responsive Web App


Me - Product Designer (Solo), 1 x Full Stack Engineer, 1 x Product Manager


Mar 2024 - present


Research, Ideation, IA, Wireframes, Visual Design, Prototyping, Usability Testing

Examples of the finished product


This project involved designing an MVP for a ESG reporting and analytics tool for the Build-to-Rent (BTR) property industry. V1.0 has been launched to beta users, offering a foundation for monitoring and reporting environmental impact. Ongoing research and user feedback are guiding further improvements.

The problem

ESG reporting is a relatively new responsibility for many in the property industry, often requiring expertise that these individuals may not have. The evolving landscape of ESG frameworks and reporting standards adds further complexity as there is no unified approach to follow. A particularly tough aspect for the property sector is accurately reporting on Scope 3 emissions—those generated by tenants in managed properties. Currently, if the tenant does not have a smart meter this data is gathered through monthly self reporting or manual readings, methods that are frequently inaccurate or difficult to access.

Example ESG report of a large BTR company


We initiated the project by immersing ourselves in the unfamiliar territory of the Build-to-Rent property industry, aiming to understand its unique challenges and requirements. This involved an extensive review of industry documentation, including example ESG reports and the various reporting frameworks. We conducted thorough competitor research, analysing similar reporting tools to identify the key features that users value most.

Analysis of competitors

Proto-persona of a key user

Scoping the MVP

Addressing Scope 3 emissions insights and reporting was a critical need for our users, as it represents a significant challenge. Our goal was to determine which information was most vital at this stage of the project, allowing us to launch with the most relevant features and then refine based on beta user feedback. To guide the design, I focused on three key "How Might We" (HMW) questions:

  • How might we ensure the most relevant data is provided to users?

  • How might we ensure that users can trust the accuracy of the information displayed?

  • How might we enable users to track their progress towards ESG targets while identifying areas for improvement?

Designing the featured insights

For the beta launch version of the product, we prioritised displaying emissions and energy consumption data, recognising these as the most critical metrics for our users. The main dashboard provides a high-level overview, while allowing users to drill down into more granular data using filters. To keep users engaged and set expectations for future updates, we also included a section indicating that additional insights and features are on the way, hinting at the continued evolution of the tool.

Ensuring data reliability

We implemented a dedicated "Sources of Data" tab where users can easily access detailed information about where their data is coming from. This includes visibility into the types of meters used and the proportion of data derived from actual readings versus estimations. Additionally, we incorporated tooltips on each graph that explain the data sources, outline any calculations made, and provide links to relevant industry bodies for further context and credibility. These features are designed to build trust and transparency, ensuring users can confidently rely on the information presented.

Comparing data over time

We designed a solution that lets users compare current performance against past periods, helping them monitor the effectiveness of interventions. This feature provides clear visibility into improvements or areas needing attention, enabling users to report progress and make informed decisions about their ESG strategies.

Project next steps

As we prepare for the beta launch, we're focusing on user engagement and feedback through surveys and communication channels like email and Slack. Regular insights will help us refine the product, particularly in how users segment data, track ESG targets, and use the analytics, guiding our development priorities.

Get in touch

Nick Byrne

Product Design

Nick Byrne

Product Design

Nick Byrne

Product Design